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Data Lineage Tracking And Visualization Solution

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Apache Atlas is meta data management platform for big data, which is often also used for data lineage. Spline support of Atlas was temporarily removed due to large refactoring on version 0.3. But now Atlas support is back thanks to Marek Novotny released in 0.3.6. Supported Atlas version now is 1.0.

Spline Atlas Integration vs Hortonworks Spark Atlas Connector

Those who need to use Atlas only and are not worried about loosing Spline’s UI closely tailored for data lineage and improved lineage linking (Spline links exact file versions that were used) may consider using also Hortonworks Spark Atlas connector.

In short differences between these tools are:

How To Try Out Spline Atlas Integration

  1. Download Hortonworks Data Platform 3.0.1 Virtualbox Image.
  2. Install VirtualBox.
  3. Import image into virtualbox with default settings.
  4. Change password via via browser ssh simulator on http://localhost:4200/ from hadoop to e.g. splineisgr8t. Alternatively you can access sandbox-hdp via ssh root@localhost -p 2201.
  5. Run ambari-admin-password-reset. After password change Ambari will start. Close the ssh channel.
  6. Go to http://localhost:8080 and make sure HBase, Atlas, Infra Solr, Kafka, HDFS, YARN have maintanence mode disabled and are started
  7. Change password in Atlas’ advanced configs tab and restart it and verify that you can access it on http://localhost:21000
  8. SSH into sandbox-host with ssh root@localhost -p 2122 using password hadoop
  9. Proxy additional port 6667 akin to other records: vi /sandbox/proxy/
  10. Deploy proxy config /sandbox/proxy/ and exit ssh channel.
  11. Secure copy spline meta model json file from Spline source: scp -P 2201 spline/persistence/atlas/src/main/atlas/spline-meta-model.json root@localhost:/usr/hdp/current/atlas-server/models/
  12. Go to Ambari and restart Atlas
  13. Make sure that you can set Search By Type to spark_job
  14. Configure your /etc/hosts file:	localhost sandbox-hdp
  15. In Spline source code configure Sample jobs properties file: sample/src/main/resources/
  16. Run a sample job e.g. /sample/src/main/scala/za/co/absa/spline/sample/batch/SampleJob1.scala
  17. Search Atlas setting Search By Type to spark_job and you should be able to find your lineage