E2E Runner is also able to run any plugin on the classpath. The plugin needs to extend za.co.absa.hermes.e2eRunner.Plugin trait and the performAction method must to return an implementation of za.co.absa.hermes.e2eRunner.PluginResult.

Plugin implementation

import za.co.absa.hermes.e2eRunner.Plugin

class MyPlugin extends Plugin {

   * Plugin names is here to provide user-friendly name for each plugin. Used in TestDefinitions
   * @return User-friendly name of the plugin
  override def name: String = "MyPlugin"

   * Perform action is the core method. Executes the plugin and returns a result as a subclass of PluginResult
   * @param testDefinition TestDefinition instance
   * @param actualOrder When specifying the order in the test definition JSON, the number might not be the
   *                    same as the execution number. This number is automatically provided by the PluginManager.
   *                    PluginResult expects this number.
   * @return Returns an implementation of PluginResult.
  override def performAction(testDefinition: TestDefinition, actualOrder: Int): MyPluginResult = {
    val result = 2 + 2
      arguments = testDefinition.args,
      returnedValue = result, 
      order = actualOrder, 
      testName = testDefinition.testName, 
      passed = true, 
      additionalInfo = Map("extra" -> "info")

PluginResult implementation

import za.co.absa.hermes.e2eRunner.PluginResult

case class MyPluginResult(arguments: Array[String],
                          returnedValue: Any,
                          order: Int,
                          testName: String,
                          passed: Boolean,
                          additionalInfo: Map[String, String]) extends PluginResult {

   * This method should be used to write the plugin result in a form required.
   * @param writeArgs Arguments provided from the "writeArgs" key from the test definition JSON
  override def write(writeArgs: Array[String]): Unit = {
    import java.io._
    val pw = new PrintWriter(new File(writeArgs.head))

   * Logs the result of the plugin execution at the end.
  override def resultLog: ResultLog = {
    if (passed) {
      InfoResultLog("We passed")
    } else {
      ErrorResultLog("We failed")