What is hermes

Hermes is an E2E testing tool created mainly for the use in ABSA OSS ecosystem but still provides some tools/utils that are usable in other projects and are quite generic.

Hermes is divided into 4 modules:
  • Utils where user can find some general utilities for file manipulation or spark test base. These should in future be mostly moved to ABSA OSS Commons
  • Dataset comparison is a spark job for the comparison of data sets. As it leverages spark, there are almost no limitations to data sources.
  • Info File comparison is a CLI tool (with ability to connect to HDFS) for comparison of _INFO files produced by Atum
  • E2E Runner is a tool to easily run Standardization and Conformance from Enceladus and then compare the outputs to expected ones


Hermes is an ongoing project. For now only new module thought about is REST API client and test tool. But we are open to suggestions


Contributions are always welcome in any form. For more, please read our Contribution guide.