Table of contents


Properties used in Dataset Comparison can be overridden as standard java opts. For Apache Spark that is:

--conf 'spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Ddataset-comparison.errColumn=ALFA'
Available properties
  • errColumn is a column that will be appended in the result parquet file, showing the location of the difference found in that row
  • actualPrefix is a prefix of columns coming from the new data source
  • expectedPrefix is a prefix of columns coming from the referential data source
  • allowDuplicates is a switch to allow or disallow duplicate rows in comparisons; duplicates will be ignored in case of setting to true
Default properties are
dataset-comparison {
  errColumn = "errCol"
  actualPrefix = "actual"
  expectedPrefix = "expected"
  allowDuplicates = false


Dataset Comparison can receive the following parameters:

  • keys
  • schema
  • input/output general ones
  • input/output specific ones

All should be prefixed with -- as is standard in command line tools to denote parameter/key followed by its value.

  • General parameters will be applied to both reference, new and out data. These have no prefix. So --format or --rowTag is enough. Only exception is out-format. It is by default set to parquet and needs to be explicitly overwritten as described in the next point.
  • Specific parameters differentiate if you want to use them for the reference data, new data or output. They are prefixed either with ref-, new- or out-. They override the general ones.
  • keys is a list of strings delimited by a , (comma) that represent the primary key(s)
  • schema is a path to schema used for cherrypicking the dataframes. Will be read using Spark’s HadoopConfiguration.
  • Input parameters (be it general or specific) are governed by the spark datasource formats and options. Imagine having a scala spark code:
    .format(<format specified>)
    .options(<map of options provided>)
    .load(<path provided>)

In the same way, provide the Dataset Comparison spark job with format, but prefix it with --, path, but prefix it if either --ref-, --new- or --out, depending on the origin and direction. Optionally, add a --header option if you chose csv format or --rowTag, if you chose XML.

Now how to use it all together:

  • --format, --new-format, --ref-format for choosing the format type. This can be parquet, csv, xml, jdbc, etc.
  • --ref-path, --new-path, and --out-path define paths on HDFS of the reference data path, newly created data path, and diff output path, respectively. When using the jdbc format, these can be replaced by --ref-dbtable and --new-dbtable
  • --keys to specify the primary key(s) of the table, e.g. --keys ID1, ID2. These can be only top-level columns.
  • format specific keys prefixed with --, so --header, --rowTag, --user, etc.

Mandatory fields are the paths/dbtables, format (at least the general one) and any format-specific keys that are prescribed by the format used.

NOTE if you want to use the jdbc format or others requiring specific drivers, you should make sure that appropriate drivers can be found on the classpath.

Usage as library

Add DatasetComparison dependency to your package manager.

libraryDependencies += "" %% "dataset-comparison" % "X.Y.Z"

Then import DatasetComparator


Finally create new DatasetComparator and call compare. Do not forget that an implicit spark session is needed. More details about the class bellow.

val cr: ComparisonResult  = new DatasetComparator(df1, df2).compare

Prescription of DatasetComparator class:

 * Class that is the brain of the DatasetComparison module. This class should be used in case of using DatasetComparison
 * as a library. In case of running the DatasetComparison as SparkJob, please use the DatasetComparisonJob.
 * @param dataFrameReference is the Dataframe used in comparison as the origin of truth
 * @param dataFrameActual is a Dataframe that is being tested
 * @param keys is a set of primary keys of the dataset. This highly increases the accuracy of the output as we are then able
 *             to pinpoint the differences
 * @param config Config object holding project-based configurable parameters. The difference to the cliOptions is that these
 *               are meant to stay the same for the project, while cliOptions change for each test
 * @param optionalSchema Optional schema to cherry-pick columns from the two DataFrames to compare. For example, if you
 *                       have a timestamp column that will never be the same; you provide a schema without that timestamp
 *                       and it will not be compared.
 * @param sparkSession Implicit spark session.
class DatasetComparator(dataFrameReference: DataFrame,
                        dataFrameActual: DataFrame,
                        keys: Set[String] = Set.empty[String],
                        config: DatasetComparisonConfig = new TypesafeConfig(None),
                        optionalSchema: Option[StructType] = None)
                       (implicit sparkSession: SparkSession)

Create an instance of DatasetComparator and then invoke the parametrless compare method. This method returns a ComparisonResult.

Prescription of ComparisonResult case class

 * @param refRowCount Row Count of the reference data
 * @param newRowCount Row Count of the new data
 * @param usedSchemaSelector Selector used to align schemas created from reference data schema
 * @param resultDF Result DataFrame, if None, there were no differences between reference and new data
 * @param diffCount Number of differences if there are any
 * @param passedOptions Raw options passed to the job by the user. It might be empty if comparison used as a library
case class ComparisonResult(refRowCount: Long,
                            newRowCount: Long,
                            refDuplicateCount: Long,
                            newDuplicateCount: Long,
                            passedCount: Long,
                            usedSchemaSelector: List[Column],
                            resultDF: Option[DataFrame],
                            diffCount: Long = 0,
                            passedOptions: String = "",
                            additionalInfo: Map[String, String] = Map.empty)