As of 11/12 2023 the new version 2.27.2 is out

Standardization and Conformance Fixes

  • #2195 When using s3 path, the protocol in the path description is used, instead of hard-coded s3:// prefix, thus supporting other s3 protocols too.

Menas Improvements

  • #2199 Replaced DB-intensive documentCount for estimatedDocumentCount. That should improve the load on MongoDB

Helper Scripts Improvements

  • #2195 Added --jceks-path option to run scripts that will add --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.bucket.SOME_NAME=jceks:/path/to/file.jceks. Use it as --jceks-path spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.bucket.SOME_NAME=jceks:/path/to/file.jceks
  • #2195 Added script to auto-detect the jceks file and auto-clean-up temporary versions from S3A